Publication Ethic


The following are the publication ethics of Journal of Contemporary Administration and Management (ADMAN) that should be applied by authors, editors, and reviewers:

  1. Adherence to Ethical Standards: Authors, editors, and reviewers must adhere to the ethical standards of journal publication set by scientific societies, such as COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics), ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors), and others.
  2. Compliance with the Law: Journal publications must follow applicable laws and regulations, including intellectual property rights and privacy of research subjects.
  3. Authenticity of Research: Authors must ensure that the research they conduct is original and not a duplicate of previous research or the work of others. Authors must also provide appropriate references for all quotes and sources used.
  4. Clarity and Certainty: Journal publications should be clear and definitive in content, format, and research methods used. The publication should also show clear and reliable evidence to support the claims made.
  5. Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest: Authors must disclose all conflicts of interest that might affect the results of the study or the interpretation of the results.
  6. Privacy Protection: Authors should ensure that the privacy of research subjects is protected and not harmed in journal publications. Individual data must be protected and not disclosed without the written permission of the subject.
  7. No Plagiarism: Authors must not commit plagiarism in any form. All quotations and sources should be properly cited and no part of the text should be taken from the work of others without proper permission or consent.
  8. Confidentiality: Editors and reviewers must maintain the confidentiality of manuscripts submitted for journal publication. They should not discuss or disclose any information about the submitted manuscript without the author's permission.
  9. Responsibility: Editors and reviewers should be responsible for editorial and critical decisions on submitted manuscripts, including decisions on acceptance, revision, and rejection.
  10. Openness: Journal publications should be transparent in their editorial and manuscript evaluation processes. Information about the editorial process, acceptance criteria, and timing of publication should be available to all authors and readers.

These are the publication ethics of Journal of Contemporary Administration and Management (ADMAN) that should be applied by authors, editors, and reviewers. These ethics will ensure that journal publications are conducted with integrity and maintain high quality standards.