Article Processing Charge


We are pleased to announce that currently Journal of Administration and Contemporary Management (ADMAN) does not charge article processing charges (APC) or any other fees to authors who wish to publish articles in this journal. This is done as our effort to encourage and support scientific research and publications in the field of contemporary administration and management.
Articles accepted for publication in this journal will be processed free of charge and at no charge until an unspecified time. However, we still maintain the quality of published articles by carrying out a rigorous article review process by a team of reviewers and editors who are competent in their fields.
We hope that with this policy, researchers and academics in the field of contemporary administration and management from around the world will continue to publish high-quality articles in our journal. If there are any changes to this policy, we will notify authors via the journal's website and official registered email.

If in the future our journal charges a publication fee, and you do not have enough money. Then, you will have the opportunity to have any fees waived. We do not want fees to prevent the publication of worthy work.