Investment Decision on an Issuer in the Capital Market Based on Financial Literature, Minimum Capital, and Fear of Missing Out (FOMO): A Case Study of Trader Community


  • Disma Prasaja Politeknik APP Jakarta
  • Muhammad Sani Kurniawan Politeknik APP Jakarta
  • Inayatullah Fatmawati Politeknik APP Jakarta



Financial Literature, Minimum Capital, Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)


This research aims to determine investment decisions based on financial literature, minimum capital and Fear of Missing Out (FOMO). This research uses quantitative research with data collection techniques through questionnaires distributed to members of the trader group community. Using a purposive sampling technique, the sample taken in this research was 100 investor group members. The data analysis method in this research uses Smart Partial Least Square version 4.0 The results of this research show that Financial Literature has a significant influence on Investment Decisions, Minimum Capital does not significantly influence Investment Decisions and Fear of Missing Out has an influence on Investment Decisions.


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How to Cite

Prasaja, D., Kurniawan, M. S., & Fatmawati, I. (2023). Investment Decision on an Issuer in the Capital Market Based on Financial Literature, Minimum Capital, and Fear of Missing Out (FOMO): A Case Study of Trader Community. Journal of Contemporary Administration and Management (ADMAN), 1(3), 237–244.